Is this store legit?

Read these tips to find out signs of scams and how to tell whether a website is legitimate or not.

1. Do Not Buy From Aliexpress/Alibaba, eBay, or Amazon
Top sex doll brands DO NOT sell on marketplace websites such as Aliexpress, DHgate, eBay, or Amazon.

2. Check For Legitimate Prices
Price is a good indicator of whether a website is trustworthy or not. Sex dolls under $1000 are a very obvious sign of a scam. The price is appealing, but no legitimate sex doll sells for that cheap (unless it’s a mini-doll).

3. They Must Show the Doll Brand Names
Most legitimate sex doll stores carry multiple sex doll brands, such as WM DollsSE DollYL DollPiper Doll, etc.

4. Good English/Grammar
This only applies to sex doll stores in English. Usually, English and grammar can be an indication of whether a website is trustworthy.

5. Fast and Good Customer Service
Before buying from a website, always contact their customer support first, preferably through email. If they reply fast, with good English/grammar, and are professional and polite, that is a good sign that they can be trusted.

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